If you’re enrolled and are looking to switch discussion sections in a LIFESCI class that is at capacity, you may find another classmate who is interested in switching sections with you and follow these steps:
Please note that discussion section switches should only be requested if absolutely necessary, and if no other options are available. Section switches will only be done via a virtual meeting during Week 1 and Week 2 of the Academic Quarters (Fall/Winter/Spring). If you are unable to attend the section you are currently enrolled in, you will first need to find a student in another section who wants to switch sections with you. You may not request a discussion section switch if you are waitlisted for a class, you must be enrolled. You or the student you are planning to switch with will then need to do the following to request a section switch:
1.Send one email to enrollment@lifesci.ucla.edu and be sure to CC the student you are planning to switch with. Email subject: Section Switch – LS 7C (example)
2.To help optimize the scheduling process for a virtual meeting, please provide multiple timeslots (about 5-7 timeslots) that you and your classmate are available Monday-Friday between 9- 12pm and 1-3pm.
For example:
Mondays 10-11am
Tuesdays 9-10am and 2-3pm
Wednesdays 10-10:30am and 2-2:30pm
Thursdays 9-9:45am and 1-1:30pm
Fridays 9-11am and 1-2:30pm
3. Briefly state why the section switch is absolutely necessary.
4. For identity verification, have your BruinCard or other form of picture identification (e.g. Driver’s License, Passport) handy during the virtual meeting.